
This is a blog about Adamah, for Adamahniks and Adamah alumni, as well as the greater community.  This is who we are…


ADAMAH: the Jewish Environmental Fellowship, a program of the Isabella Freedman Jewish Retreat Center, is a three month leadership training program for Jewish young adults — ages 20–29 —that integrates organic farming, sustainable living, Jewish learning, teaching, and contemplative spiritual practice. Fellows spend much of their time learning and practicing sustainable agriculture and animal husbandry on the four-acre ADAMAH farm and in small gardens throughout the retreat center. Fellows also participate in leadership training, community living, ecological and Jewish seminars with visiting faculty, and more.

More Practically:

ADAMAH is a transformative, transcendent few months that really feel like much longer.  We learn from each other and from the land and the goats as much as we learn from our incredible teachers.  We not only make pickles and feta and soap and biodiesel, but we obsess over them, learn to love them, and incorporate them into our lives.

We are also a continually growing network of unique people (and Jews) who may be some of the most interesting people you meet in your life, and we come together to spread love and/or manure throughout the world.

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  1. Small gardens are quite cute and i always use them in our home and appartment. Despite their small size, they are quite nice to the eyes and gives you a relaxing atmosphere. “*,”,

    Yours truly

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